Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tim's Blog Description

I have badly needed an outlet for my random thoughts and frustrations for awhile and decided to finally put finger to keyboard. 

The purpose of this blog will be to detail my frustration and concern over what has and is happening to our great country.  We have become a nation of people who believe we are entitled to certain things.  This entitlement attitude permeates our society and affects each and every American, including yours truly.  It starts with our kids who believe they are entitled to a phone, gameboy, freedom from chores, and respect.  Unfortunately, many kids don't outgrow this feeling of entitlement and soon transfer that entitlement from their parents to their communities and government when they believe that they are entitled to food, clothing, shelter, a cell phone, and discretionary spending money to be provided by other people.

Our country was founded on a couple of principles that are very well articulated in our Declaration of Independence.  Click here to read this great document.  Most of us don't know the entire Declaration but remember the following line:  We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

This simple statement is so beautifully written and so captures the essence of the original American spirit.  It starts by saying all men are created equal.  We have had our bad moments as a Country when we didn't follow this, but we have done a pretty good job of providing opportunities for all men (and women) in the past 50 years.  "That they are endowed by their Creator" has somehow been forgotten.  We have become so focused on separation of Church and State that we don't have room for God.  We are too concerned with the one person who may be offended by the idea of a Creator that we have trampled the rights of the other 99.  According to this great document, our Creator gave us certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.  Let's look at this closely.

Our forefathers founded this country on the belief that our Creator (God) gave All Men the right to life and the right to freedom.  We certainly strugged with this during parts of our history and we should all be ashamed of that part which didn't guarantee every human the right to life and freedom.  The sentence goes on to say that we shall all have the right to PURSUE Happiness, not get happiness.  It is up to us to find happiness.  It doesn't say we have the right to an easy life, the right to not work, the right to great medical care, the right to have a cell phone, the right to have two cars, a home, and three TV sets with Cable.  How have we forgotten this?  And what can be done.

I profess to be mostly a Capitalist so that will seem more Republican than Democrat, but I hope to be a voice of reason through this blog where I HOPE to not unfairly criticize one party over the other.  I frankly believe that there is enough to blame on both parties and on us, the citizens. 

As I complete this preamble to my blogging, I'd like to quote President John F. Kennedy when he said "Ask not what your country can do for you.  Ask what you can do for your country."  Listen here for the short 30 second version of this or click here for the 5 minute version.

Thank you for caring.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you and wish so many other people in this country would wake up. I know how the poor feel, I will be loosing my home to forclosure because my husband cant find a job in this rotton economy. I am on disability because of my back but that doesnt pay all the bills and the mortgage, Unemployment isnt anything to speak of its only 900$ a month, our house payment is 1447.00 a month so we cant do it anymore. I just wish the wealth was split up a little more fairly and that my husband could find a job in this rotton economy. You Tim have hit the nail right on the head I wish more people were as smart as yourself and could see past all the garbage that our own government is throwing at us.
